Proven marking technology in a modern form

OTMETKA makes it possible for all your global timber holdings to be marked and traced with the same unique, comprehensive technology. As industry pioneers, we have indispensable experience in marking timber and roundwood.

Our OtmetkaID© solution is fully equipped to meet the needs of modern forest felling, both for mechanized harvesting operations using harvesters and manual chainsaw operations. The technology enables efficient, reliable marking under the toughest conditions one might encounter across the world. This creates a global de facto standard for marking timber and roundwood!

When driving timber, marking axes were used to secure ownership of the logs.

When driving timber, marking axes were once used to secure ownership of the logs. PHOTO: SKOGENBILD


OTMETKA has taken the marking axes of old times, with its unique piece of marks, a step further for marking timber.

Marking axes from the past give rise ...

In olden days, river driving was done the year after winter harvesting when the snow melt began, and the rivers started to flow in the spring. The timber was floated downstream en masse to separation points, where the timber was then separated according to the respective owner. To determine ownership rights, the timber was stamped with a special marking axe – with a unique pattern – and using this technique the river drivers could sort out the timber according to its rightful owner. The stamped pattern held up through long storage and rough transport without losing its readability.

Timber is stamped with OtmetkaID, a marking system that provides guaranteed timber traceability.

The timber is stamped with the OtmetkaID, a marking system that provides guaranteed timber traceability.

... to the OtmetkaID marking system

OTMETKA has simply borrowed this idea from the olden days of river driving but added a modern twist – each log can be marked individually with a unique code, so it can be linked the correct production file from the harvester’s bucking computer. The OtmetkaID consists of globally unique codes – no two logs are given the same number. Stamping each log with a code that is guaranteed to be in a global database makes it easy to build complex information flows without losing any data.

Avoid the disadvantages presented by other techniques

OtmetkaID is hands down the best timber stamping solution for creating secure and reliable individual markings on your timber. OTMETKA’s solution lacks all the disadvantages of other systems:

  • Biometric methods are unstable, as secure, repeated identification is difficult to implement. This is true because stored and transported timber has altered characteristics due to aging that include color changes, cracks, damage, dirt or fungal attacks.
  • Image analysis methods are rendered difficult or impossible under certain light and weather conditions or are subject to the limits of camera technology, such as calculation speeds and the stability of image algorithms. This applies if identification is based solely on biometric properties such as annual rings.
  • Inks, RFIDs and labels all have their own problems, where storage during water treatment complicates the long-term readability and speed when reading off the data during production. Guaranteed security is also limited using these technologies.
In all timber handling, the prerequisites for camera reading are impaired by the biometric characteristics of the log, fingerprint.

In all timber handling, the prerequisites for camera reading are impaired by the biometric characteristics of the log (fingerprint).

Stamped codes, OtmetkaID, in the root end can be identified in the sawmill with modern image analysis technology even if they are covered with soil, clay or snow.

Stamped codes – OtmetkaID – in the root end can be identified in the sawmill with modern image analysis technology, even if they are covered with soil, clay or snow.

Reliable and safe marking system ...

OtmetkaID allows you to perform secure encrypted data transactions. OTMETKA uses camera technology to read off the code in the field or in the sawmill. However, OtmetkaID is not dependent on harvester-mounted camera technology, though there is the option to add that technology.

This ensures that you will have an incredibly reliable system regardless of the conditions at harvesting or the availability of mobile connectivity at the harvester or sawmill. When the log is measured in the sawmill, the code is read off and checked against the production files which are accessed either through a cloud service or locally installed programs and associated databases.

... that can be adapted to suite your needs

Alternatively, you have the option to add camera-based systems for analysis (fingerprint) of timber characteristics within the harvesting unit or sawmill. Other conventional marking methods such as labels and RFID are also offered. Overall, we have a greater focus on analyzing characteristics that describe timber quality, growth characteristics, sawable dimensions, bark thickness and automatic timber classification. This allows us to provide a comprehensive system with high reliability.