Advantages of guaranteed timber traceability

Below are a number of benefits our system offers the different players in the Swedish forest industry in terms of guaranteed timber traceability. This list is certainly not exhaustive. If there are other benefits you would like to weigh in on or if you have comments, please contact us!

For the forest owner ...

  • Facilitates the certification process.
  • Avoids key biotopes "infecting" the entire property.
  • Ensures accurate accounting of logging work by providing a real receipt, log by log.
  • Easily identifies lost timber.
  • Enables the active introduction of additional alternative price lists with specialty assortments.
  • Enables the purchase of various add-on services directly linked to when harvesting costs are incurred.

For the forest contractor ...

  • Enables payment for mediated and secured production data for sawmills.
  • No need for other wood marks, such as manual marking, for transported timber.
  • Facilitates quality control of the harvester’s bucking equipment.
  • Facilitates felling in storm felled forests, where borders cannot be restored.
  • Enables handling of several specialized assortments during harvesting, without the risk for mix-ups.
  • Ensures that each marked log is site and date stamped and includes ownership information. Nothing can go wrong!

For the forest equipment industry ...

  • Supports industry standard, StanForD.
  • Enables the introduction of OtmetkaID as a global de facto standard, which can be applied across the globe in all conditions imagineable.
  • Enables the introduction of add-on touch-free measurement technology (camera technology), since log data is never lost with the OtmetkaID.

For the timber trader ...

  • Facilitates the certification process.
  • Simplifies all future timber imports into the EU, as compliance with the EU Timber Regulation can easily be monitored.
  • Increases the credibility of the forest owner.
  • Creates better conditions for automatic settlement notes.
  • No need to mark the log after felling along the roadside with tickets or stamps.

For the timber transporter ...

  • Enables loading of several different objects in the same transport, which reduces rotating and empty transport runs.
  • Facilitates the prioritization of timber deliveries over normal road stock, where there may be a freshness requirement for spruce.
  • Simplifies accounting at sawmills.

For the scaler ...

  • Allows for automatic measurement at the sawmill, where new timber data is retained through the entire process.
  • Allows for automatic and continuous monitoring of all harvests— tree by tree.
  • Enables interconnection with SDC VIOL 3 (Swedish conditions), where extended services are permitted.

For the forest and sawmill industry ...

  • Simplifies handling and flow control – from the time of harvest and throughout the industry chain – retaining all processing and production data log by log.
  • Increases the ability to quickly adjust the price list and related harvesting directives through active, real-time feedback and timber monitoring at the sawmill.
  • Minimizes the risk of receiving illegally harvested timber.
  • Strongly improves the conditions for managing forest certification systems such as FSC and PEFC.
  • Supports the EU Timber Regulation.
  • Increases the ability to automatically improve the traceability of pulpwood and wood fiber content through the better synergy of marked timber data within a region.
  • Enables the introduction of more advanced methods for automated timber classing, for example, X-ray data can be linked to the code and log all the way to the time of processing at the sawmill.
  • Creates the conditions to introduce more advanced X-ray measurement frames through better timber utilization.
  • Facilitates digitization of production and processing in automated processes.